Are your callers waiting for an appointment?
Making an appointment should be a quick, easy call. It certainly shouldn’t involve lots of waiting to be answered, engaged tones or frustrating recorded call routing menus. With Clear Virtual Assistant, taking bookings is a breeze. Available 24/7 it will take bookings for you in a natural, professional, interactive and smooth way. Get AI working…
Read MoreA glimpse under the hood
We’re often asked, “What happens inside your system when a caller speaks?” Well, it’s a 3-stage process that happens in the blink of an eye. First, Clear Virtual Assistant listens – recognising and understanding the caller’s words. Then it references its Large Language Models, contextual searches and bespoke company knowledge bases and guardrails. It then…
Read MoreUK Government announces plans for a massive AI push
Breaking News📢 Yesterday, the UK Government announced plans for a massive AI push to enhance public services. Their objective? To save time on admin tasks so public sector workers can focus on service delivery. The NHS in particular needs radical thinking to allow it to thrive – and we KNOW this is a big step…
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